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Post History (last 2 comments)

Paul Posted Sep 10, 2021 - 10:43 PM:

Archery hunters aren't annoying at all, so if you want to not annoy hikers while you hunt there's your option. Rifle hunters obviously can be annoying. If you really want to know why hunters are sometimes annoying to hikers, it's because:
1) They've littered so many shotgun shell casings that you can hardly see the floor of the ground in some places (though Kanaka Valley isn't that bad compared to the forest). Hunters are worse than smokers at packing out what they bring in.
2) Noise pollution. Hikers go into nature to relax and unwind, not to be made to jump every couple of minutes or to have to wear noise-canceling headphones.

That said, I have nothing against people hunting at Kanaka Valley (except for the ones who litter, they can go to hell) -- I'm just noting it's annoying if you're a hiker so it's a reason for hikers to consider staying away unless prepared to deal with the annoyance. You're welcome to have your fun there and other designated areas, but you can't possibly expect it to be compatible with everyone else having fun, so it's important to warn people what they'll encounter.
Hunter Posted Sep 10, 2021 - 7:23 PM:

Why are hunters annoying? Why? We want to enjoy the outdoors too. Be kind to people, without humanity we stand alone!